From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

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The importance of cloud governance

The importance of cloud governance

- [Narrator] Have you ever overtightened a bolt to the point of ruining it and whatever you were securing? Or have you been shocked by an unprotected electrical socket? Then you know what missing governance is and the value that it can bring. Governance is the ability to limit how things are used in the cloud. This means that we can control the amount of storage services that are used. We can also control when a cloud resource is used, who uses it, and how much cost can be incurred by that cloud resource. If it seems a bit frustrating to have limits placed on any types of cloud usage. That's not the purpose of governance. The purpose of governance is to ensure that we don't get into trouble or cause other adverse outcomes by doing something out of bounds such as spending tens of thousands of dollars on cloud storage instances you left running by accident. Examples of cloud governance include ensure you don't spend more than what is allocated on cloud services for a specific…
