From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Understanding encryption

Understanding encryption

- [Instructor] Cryptography is one of the most important controls available to information security professionals. Encryption protects sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure in many different environments, and many other security functions depend upon cryptography to work properly. So what is cryptography? It's the use of mathematical algorithms to transform information into a form where it's not readable by unauthorized individuals, but authorized individuals have the ability to transform it back into its readable form. Cryptography depends upon two basic operations. The first encryption converts information from its plain text form into an encrypted version that is unreadable known as ciphertext. The second operation decryption performs the reverse transformation using an algorithm to transform encrypted information back into plain text form. Now, I've already used the word algorithm a few times. If you're not already familiar with algorithms, they're simply a set of…
