From the course: Confronting Bias: Thriving Across Our Differences

A call to action

- So I think I want to leave us with three ideas. One of the most important things I think for connecting across difference and creating inclusion is consciousness. It's the self-consciousness, it consciousness of others, but just, if you, if we think we're going to be better at this by just putting our heads in and avoiding, it's not going to happen. We have to stay open. And we have to pay attention. And that means being conscious. And intentional. The second thing would be courage. Because a lot of people are like, why would I do this? Because I'm going to make a mistake. And you have to have some courage. And the courage comes from the understanding that if we all don't step forward and learn things and interrupt things and even have the courage to face ourselves and the things that we're doing wrong. We'll never create the kind of environment that we all want. And if we can't create that environment, we can't get the best out of people. And so we all lose out. Because we're all connected. And I guess the third thing is compassion. Compassion for yourself. Compassion for other people because you have to take care of yourself and feel okay about the mistakes that you're making. And also the sort of victories that you're having. And you have to be kind to yourself. Because many of us are not, haven't done this work because we haven't learned to be kind to ourselves when we see our shortcomings. We also haven't learned to be kind to other people. So we have to have compassion towards the people who are offending us. We have to compassion for those of use who are you know, being offended. There's, we need that kind of, we need that kind of compassion to to fill in all the places where we're not perfect. And there's something about showing love. Which is not to say that you don't correct people. It's not to say that you don't explain what's wrong. And it's not to say that people aren't not just offended, but sometimes very harmed by our behavior. It's to say that if we are going to actually make a change, people need to know that there's space and love to make that change, empathy to make that change. And when you start to feel that, you keep moving and growing. and as a result, we will all, I think be much better off. So consciousness and courage and compassion will help us to be more inclusive.
