From the course: Corporate Finance: Robust Financial Modeling

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Presenting results

Presenting results

- By now, you'll be well aware of the importance of possessing soft skills when it comes to developing financial models. These include attributes such as adaptability and strong communication skills, so how about we put these skills to good use? Say you've completed a lifecycle costing model for a customer relationship management system. You've dedicated the time to perform quality assurance and have even had some of your colleagues endorse your work. Now comes the moment of truth, presenting to your stakeholders. When preparing this video, I actually asked a few folks how they would go about presenting a financial model to stakeholders. I was actually quite surprised that many believed that simply sending an email with an attachment or just sharing a link to a report was the way to go. Other folks believe that a meeting during which your report is tabled is the way to go, like some kind of grand unveiling of a scale model…
