From the course: Corporate Finance: Robust Financial Modeling
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From the course: Corporate Finance: Robust Financial Modeling
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- When designing your financial model, in the back of your mind, or perhaps consciously, you were probably wondering how to build your model. When I last checked, there were literally hundreds of software products available that can perform financial modeling with many fully integrated with finance systems, but let's not get too carried away. Despite the wealth of options available, I see folks continue to use spreadsheet products such as Excel, and there's good reason for this. Financial models are usually extremely unique, and Excel is equally flexible. I see Excel as kind of like the perfect size glove for the hand of financial modeling. Excel is also cheap, it's intuitive, and widely available. This means that if you get stuck, there's usually plenty of people around who could help solve a formula issue and the like. So how 'about we take a quick walk through Excel. Make sure that Excel is open, and go ahead and…
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