From the course: Corporate Finance: Robust Financial Modeling

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What is a financial model?

What is a financial model?

- Financial modeling. To some folks, this will evoke visions of spreadsheets parading down a catwalk. Okay, maybe that's just me. As exciting as financial modeling is, I'm afraid, it's not quite that glamorous. To others, it probably just sounds like boring old business jargon. I'm pleased to say that it isn't that daunting. Financial modeling is actually something we come up against in everyday life. Now, hear me out. Imagine that you're cooking dinner and natural light is fading, so you go to turn on the light switch. Boom. The globe has blown. Now, at this moment, you're probably more concerned about overcooking the veggies than replacing the globe, but at some stage, you're going to have to head to the hardware store for a replacement. Once you're there, you will be overwhelmed by the magnitude of choices available. Do you just go for a good, old-fashioned incandescent globe? After all, they're pretty cheap to…
