From the course: Create a CRM Mobile Application with React Native

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Create the people list view

Create the people list view

- [Instructor] Okay so what we're going to work on next is to make sure that first of all, we can load the application and if there's any issues, then we fix 'em right away. The other thing is we're going to focus on the PeopleList component. So we're still going to break our application by adding more code, but as we move along, things are going to start moving into place. So let's go ahead and start the application first, see if there's any issues at the forefront. And I'm going to do npm start. Select iOS. And we have some issues here. So texturing must be rendered in text. Okay, so something is wrong here. At the top here, located in PeopleList. So let's take a look at that. So what we're going to do first, let's go into PeopleList. Yeah, okay. So what we're going to do here is just switch this to a text. There you go. And make sure it's also loaded here, like so. Good. Perfect. And we're going to copy and paste these in each one of the list that we've created here. Perfect. And…
