From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

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Setting up a workflow for testing

Setting up a workflow for testing - Python Tutorial

From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

Setting up a workflow for testing

- [Instructor] Okay, assuming you now have a GitHub account, the first thing we need to do is to create a repository to host our project. Click on the plus sign on the upper right and select New repository, and you'll end up on this page. Choose a name for the repository, I'm going to call it OS in Python. I'll put this is my first open source project as the description and make the repository public so others can contribute to it. Next, you can add a ReadMe file, a gitignore file and a license. It's always good to have these specified, especially the ReadMe and the license but we can add these later. Now, we have a few options to start our repository. If you have not started using Git for our project locally, create a new repository on the command line from the Git init command. Instead of git add you would like to use the command git add dot to add all our files instead. If you are already using git,…
