From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python

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What is pyproject.toml?

What is pyproject.toml?

- [Instructor] Let's have a look at the pyproject.toml. It is a text file to specify what build dependencies your Python package needs. It was proposed in the Python enhancement proposal or PEP 518, and is widely adopted since. Even if we are not packaging our project, we can also use pyproject.toml with poetry to manage our project dependencies. In PEP 518 pyproject.toml is proposed to solve a build dependency problem that has arised in Python community. Before, most Python softwares use to specify the build dependencies, such as other Python packages that they are depending on. However, being an executable file itself, may require certain Python packages to work properly. This create a chicken and egg problem. Therefore, instead of relying on or the build dependencies, including those required by, should be listed in another file. After considering several different file formats,…
