From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python
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What is tox? - Python Tutorial
From the course: Create an Open-Source Project in Python
What is tox?
- [Instructor] Remember that in the previous chapters, we set up a file called You may be wondering, "What is tox?" Tox is a Python tool used for virtual environment management. It creates and manages multiple separate Python environments, like Poetry. However, tox is specifically designed for testing purposes, whereas poetry is used for development environments. We do not enter the environments created by tox to write code, like we did with the environment created by Poetry. Instead, tox automates the creation of separate testing environments and runs standardized tests. The procedure are standardized, and they will be the same in various Python environments created by tox. You may now wonder why we need tox. There are a lot of reasons why. First, it allow user to run our test suite in different versions of Python. For some projects, it supports multiple versions of Python and we would like to make sure it…