From the course: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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Creating and sharing success stories

Creating and sharing success stories

- Whether on film, stage, or in a good book, people love stories. They transport us to far away lands. We get to meet strange new people and empathize with their struggles and triumphs. So why do we switch that part of us off when we walk in the office or jump on a video meeting? One of the best ways for us to build support for continuous improvement is to share stories. Highlighting the ways in which people's work and lives have been made better because of our efforts. This can include solving a customer problem, making a tedious task for your administrative staff less of an effort, or taking advantage of cost savings to contribute to a worthy cause. It's important that we document and share successes, and sharing in the form of a story can be very effective. It's one thing to read about other people's successes, but there's great power in telling a story where someone in your organization, even someone you know and have…
