From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Alternative text for images and graphics in InDesign

Alternative text for images and graphics in InDesign

From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

Alternative text for images and graphics in InDesign

- [Instructor] Every image and graphic in a document either needs to contain alternative texts, to describe that image or be artifacted to prevent it from being read by assistive technology. Let's take a closer look at a few ways in which we can add alternative text to images in InDesign. I'm going to begin by clicking on the Two Trees Olive Oil logo at the top of the page, and to add alternate text to this graphic, we're going to come up here to the Object menu, and we're going to choose Object Export Options. Now, as a little side note, you may notice by default Object Export Options does not have a keyboard shortcut, but if you notice here, I have taken the time to add one because as somebody who remediates a lot of documents, I find it helpful to be able to use a keyboard shortcut, to access this feature rather than choosing it from a menu every time. So if you decide you want to do that, what you could do is simply go to…
