From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Funky fix-up

Funky fix-up

- All right guys. I decided to do this video as a bit of a reality check for you as well as for me, because to be honest, sometimes you run into funky issues that require you to think outside of the box. Let's take a look at this last error we're getting and see the approach that I take to address this really kind of funky problem. This is actually a PDF file. So we've already made the PDF from word in the previous video and we're addressing the remaining issues that we have to deal with. Now what I'm going to do, is I'm going to switch over to my PAC checker, and I'm going to run the file that I have open through the PAC checker. And you're going to see that I'm left with two errors in here. So if I look at the results in detail, they're both actually related to the same thing. They're both figure errors. And the one is, we're missing the bounding box. And then the other error is inappropriate use. And that's one of…
