From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs
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The Table Editor
From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs
The Table Editor
- [Instructor] Tables typically require some massaging for full compliance. Some important things to remember about tables is that every table needs to have a header row. It can be a row header or a column header, but regardless it needs a header row to be compliant. Additionally, when cells are merged in a table, the appropriate span attribute needs to be applied to avoid the common regularity error that appears when checking your file. Tables are covered under WCAG success criteria 1.4.5 and 1.3.1. You'll also find them in the PDF techniques for WCAG in item number six. And in the PDF/UA specification, you'll find the description for tables in checkpoints nine and 15. The first thing I'm going to do just as a general check is in the accessibility tool, I'm going to go ahead and run my accessibility check. I'm just going to leave the document category chosen, and I'm going to choose start checking. And if you go under…
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PDF remediation1m 6s
Add metadata2m 45s
Tag content with the Reading Order tool6m 44s
Dealing with content that spans more than one page3m 35s
Tagging lists7m 10s
Tagging table of contents4m 25s
Creating table of contents links4m 40s
Tagging tables6m 27s
The Table Editor7m 39s
Artifacting elements7m 13s
Work with the Content pane6m 32s
Add alternative text4m 58s
Add bookmarks3m 33s
Tagging footnotes3m 26s
Walking the tags tree4m 55s
Validate the PDF file and cleanup5m 50s
Finishing touches5m 7s
Checking color contrast3m 3s
Testing with a screen reader3m 36s
Third-party tools6m 4s