From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

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Creating a personal marketing strategy

Creating a personal marketing strategy

From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

Creating a personal marketing strategy

- Your personal brand is not about what you are. It's about who you are. And that's why strategy's really important because your personal brand is not defined by your uniform or your job title, your certifications, or your resume. Your personal brand tells your target audience what you stand for, what you believe in, and how you can offer them value. Some people approach personal branding because there's a challenge. Maybe you've gone through the exercises in the previous movies and you've seen that your current brand is here but your desired brand is very different. How you are today and how you want to be known, there's a big gap. You need a strategy to fill that in. In some cases, your current brand and your desired brand line up really nicely. And if it all ended tomorrow, you'd be remembered the way you want. In that case, a strategy's going to help you stay the course to keep you consistent in your behavior and…
