From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
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Complex problem-solving methods
From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Complex problem-solving methods
- There are times when a simple problem-solving procedure just isn't going to cut it. For example, the University of California recently revamped its entire payroll and human resources systems. That change affected 14 different stakeholder institutions and over 100,000 employees. This was a huge change that required a massive problem-solving process to get it right. Most of us won't be involved in problem solving at this scale. But you should be aware of at least one method that's used in larger problems so you're prepared if you are faced with needing to solve a problem of that scale. One of the longest-standing methods is called PERT, program evaluation and review technique. It was developed by the US Navy in the '50s and it involves eight steps. First, you start by stating the final event or goal of the project. You need to make sure the planning team clearly defines the event that must take place. That…
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