From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer
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From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer
- Method number 28 to delight your customers is to be brilliant at communication. Communicate as much as you can with your customers. Communication doesn't cost much. It could even be free if it's automated. So, how can you give the maximum communication? A few examples of this tracking your parcel, wouldn't it be great if you knew where your parcel was and you could see it on a map where you got little texts just to say it's been dispatched, just to say it's at the depot, just to say you'll get it tomorrow. And this is starting to happen quite a bit now, isn't it? So, maximum communication. Then there's making sure you've got a great voicemail message saying you'll call them back the same day, telling them when you're calling them back and then making sure you do call them back when you promised, so that's all part of communication. Another good one would be, if they could say, "We'll contact you when it comes into stock."…
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