From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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- I saw some research on why customers go to a different supplier. You know, what would make you change to say a different hotel from the one you normally stay at? And apparently it's perceived indifference, okay? It's not price. You know, what would make me change from BMW to Audi? It's not going to be price, 'cause they cost roughly the same. That's the price bracket I'm in. So it's not going to be price. It's going to be perceived indifference. If I think they don't care about me, I'm going to take offense to that. And I'm certainly not going to feel any loyalty to them. I'm going to think, "Well, I might as well shop around." So how can we avoid perceived indifference? How can we make them feel that we care? And I've just got four examples of how you might do this, just to illustrate the point. And the first one, it's just a thought of mine. I mean, I don't know whether they'll ever do it, but when you're traveling,…
