From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer
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From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer
- Method number 16 for really impressing your customers is make them feel important. I mentioned earlier on that actually, the essence of customer service is make people feel important. Make everybody feel like the king or the queen or the president. That's the game. So when I went into BMW, they knew my name and that made me feel really important. I don't know whether I really was important, but I felt important. That's the essence. So a really easy way to make people feel important is just to ask them questions and listen to what they say. Just ask them, have they traveled far, or how's business, anything like that, and really listen. Show that you've listened by repeating back a little bit. "Oh, really you've come all the way from Birmingham? That's quite a journey." That makes people feel important. So that's an easy way to do it. But there are other methods you could have. For example, one company I worked for,…
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