From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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- Customer service is a massively neglected area. People spend lots of time thinking about making their product or their service unique, thinking about prices and advertising and all that sort of thing. And then the bit they don't remember is to give great service. And just to clarify, if you're making a product like, say, cars, then obviously customer service is an easy thing to understand. When you go in with a problem, are you looked after? But customer service also applies to the service sector. So if I'm running training courses for people, I still have a customer service element, don't I, of do I answer the phone when they ring me up? What if they want to change their mind at the last minute? How flexible am I? All that sort of thing. So customer service applies both to products and services, and it's vitally important. It's how you're judged. And the reason for this is that it's very hard for most customers to…
