From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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- My next method follows on from the last one, really, because this is to actually find out what people don't like. So, to actually watch what people do, and even ask them, what don't you like about the process? And then fix it. One of my pet hates, actually, is when I park at shopping malls and then I have to sort of struggle through scrubby little bushes to actually get to the shops 'cause the car park's got all these bushes around the parking bays, and I have to wade through the bushes and the mud to get to the shop. You just think, what? If anybody actually watched the customers they would see that that's a problem. So, anyway, let's look at some examples of things that you might watch and spot and then you could fix. So, if you, for example watch people taking their children to have their hair cut, and the kids are all wriggling around and they're bored and they're crying because they don't want to be there, how…
