From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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Worst case

Worst case

- My fourth idea for helping you to generate ideas about how can you really delight your customers, is to imagine really bad service, and then reverse it. So, for example, a builder, what would be the worst builder? And, it probably be somebody who turns up with a filthy disorganized van, comes into your house, and makes loads of mess, and, I think you know, that's one of the things that people dread with builders, is the mess. So therefore, what would the ultimate fantastic builder be like? And, they'd have a spotless van, they'd be really smart looking, and when they come into your house, they would, rather than leaving mess, they would actually Hoover up after themselves, and we had a builder like that, he would bring his own Hoover and he would say, "Oh, you don't want brick dust in your Hoover, I brought my own, I'll do it." And, our house used to be cleaner after he'd been, than before he came, and that's…
