From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

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What to do (or say) when the customer is wrong

What to do (or say) when the customer is wrong

- We can determine the validity of a complaint or service request by simply asking ourselves if it's valid or invalid. But since we know that, it's important to arm our teams with the appropriate tools and knowledge so that they can respond to those service requests appropriately. So here's the thing to remember. Regardless of if they're right or wrong, customers want to know that you are listening and they've been heard. We can do this in a few ways. Even your most disgruntled and angry customers deserve a response that acknowledges them. For example, let's suppose a customer dines at a restaurant. He carefully reviews the menu, doesn't order the cheapest thing, and then complains about the place being expensive. I would simply say something like, "I'm sure you feel that way. Unfortunately, you're right. We are more expensive because all of our ingredients are sourced from local farms. While we would love to have…
