From the course: Cybersecurity Foundations: Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

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- [Instructor] May 25th, 2018 was a big day in the privacy and security compliance industry. It's the day the General Data Protection Regulation was born and started to be enforced across Europe. Let's learn what GDPR is. I can't understate how monumental GDPR was, and how it modernize the laws that protect the personal information of individuals, and sparked privacy conversations around the globe. GDPR is considered the world's strongest set of data protection rules, which outlines how people can access information about them and places limits on what organizations can do with personal data. The European Union says that GDPR was designed to harmonize data privacy laws across all of it's members' countries. GDPR is all about personal data. Any information that allows a living person to be directly, or indirectly identified from available data, or information is what personal data includes. There is a wide range of…
