From the course: Cybersecurity Foundations: Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

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- [Speaker] Visa, MasterCard, Discover JCB International and American Express all got in a room together and came up with the PCI DSS standard. These banking and finance powerhouses are known as the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council or PCI SSC. Let's learn about this framework they created. PCI DSSS or the payment card industry Data security standard is a set of standards that any company that processes credit or debit card transactions is required to comply with. The PCI SSC aimed to create a framework that secured credit and debit transactions against data death and fraud. If you're a company that processes credit card holder data then you need to become PCI compliant not just because the SSE says so but because your customers who put their sensitive data in your system will require it. Being PCI compliant is a valuable way to let customers know that your business is safe to transact with.…
