From the course: Daily Habits to Live Sustainably

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Eat more plants

Eat more plants

- Figuring out what to eat every day can sometimes feel like a chore. So when I'm planning meals, I have a few daily habits that help me choose foods that are healthy for me and the planet. You may be familiar with animal agriculture, raising animals like cows, pigs, and chickens for food. What you might not know is that animal agriculture has an outsize global impact on water, soil, extinction of plants and animals, consumption of natural resources, and climate change. In fact, 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from food, agriculture, and land use. And over half of those emissions come from animal agriculture. So what can we do? Well, we can start by shifting our diets to be more plant-forward by eating lower on the food chain and decreasing our intake of meat and dairy, we can reduce deforestation, fertilizer use, and greenhouse gas emissions. And having a more plant-forward diet can have an added…
