From the course: Daily Habits to Live Sustainably

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Fly less

Fly less

- If you have the privilege of flying, flying less is one of the most impactful ways to reduce carbon emissions. I don't want this video to make you feel guilty for flying because we know that guilt is not a very good long-term motivator. Here's the reality. The type of action the world needs to take to curb climate change requires focused, long-term effort, not a one-and-done approach or a bunch of people who give up because they feel like they can't do anything right. Climate action is a marathon, not a sprint. So rather than feeling guilty that you flew to visit your grandma, I'd like us to focus on ways that we can stay in the long game of climate action. That means being thoughtful about when you fly. There might be times when you can choose not to fly. Maybe you choose a vacation closer to home and you take other lower carbon forms of transport like trains, buses, or driving an electric car. And if you have to fly…
