From the course: Daily Habits to Live Sustainably

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Get around sustainably

Get around sustainably

- In the small island community I live in we have a big influx of tourists during the summer months. In fact, some days the tourists outnumber the residents. This year we decided to close our main business district to vehicle traffic on high tourist days. As an incentive, If we walk or cycle to that district instead of driving, we can win prizes. And I am very motivated by prizes. I've already won a free meal from a local cafe and a gift card to a local bookstore, just for hopping out of a vehicle and onto my bike. I feel better biking. I don't have to search for a parking spot and I'm reducing air pollution in my neighborhood. Win, win, win! I feel comfortable biking in my town, because over the years we have invested in infrastructure like bike lanes that support safe bicycle use. If we want people to turn sustainable choices into daily habits, it is important to make sure that the right infrastructure is in place to…
