From the course: Daily Habits to Live Sustainably

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Heat and cool smarter

Heat and cool smarter

- Depending on where you live, heating or cooling likely drives the majority of your home energy use. Luckily, some small changes in the way we heat and cool our homes can greatly impact our emissions. Just like with reducing food waste, your journey to reducing energy waste should start with an audit to figure out what your home needs. Professional energy audits can uncover win-win opportunities that save you money and energy. And it's likely that one of your first steps will be adding insulation. Insulation is one of the most practical and cost effective ways to make buildings more energy efficient. A home with poor insulation needs more energy to keep a comfortable room temperature. And that means you are paying for extra energy. Did you know that you can insulate your roof, windows, floors, and walls? An energy audit will help you determine where you need insulation and how much you need. If you already have great…
