From the course: Daily Habits to Live Sustainably
Make your money count
- We know that climate change is a systemic issue that impacts the natural world. But have you ever thought about how it impacts financial investments or how which bank we choose can impact the environment? I'm not an investment expert, but I think it's important for us to take a few minutes to talk about money. Why? Because the investment decisions we make today will build the world of tomorrow. Right now, a lot of money is being invested in companies that are harming our planet and us. Did you know that the places we store our money, our pensions, investments, even our bank accounts invest our money on our behalf? Unfortunately, financial institutions still invest heavily in carbon polluting industries, meaning that your money might be indirectly supporting the industries that are doing the most harm to our planet. But guess what? We have the opportunity to work with our investment advisors to instead invest that money in climate solutions, making the world better, while making money for us. We can divest or remove our money from fossil fuel companies or other corporations that actively harm the environment. Here are a few tips to help you move your money so that it works for us and the planet. Start by asking your financial institution about their sustainability focused banking policies. Let industry know that you care about climate change by meeting with your bank or investment advisor and make sure your investments do not include fossil fuels. Your bank might have sustainable funds, but those might not be the default choice. If you have a say in your investments, consider investments in climate solutions by providing capital to companies and energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other sustainable infrastructure markets. Look for clean energy and climate technology investment options. Help build the world of tomorrow through your investments. Every organization makes investments from your workplace to your pension fund at colleges, banks, the list goes on and on. Consider the institution you have the most influence in, and hold them accountable to make green investments. If they are currently investing in fossil fuels, join or start a divestment campaign. Join together with others to move money out of fossil fuels because the most important thing an individual can do is be less of an individual. It might help to think about your investments, like casting a vote for the kind of future you want for yourself, your community, and for future generations yet to come. Let's make sure that our investments make the world a better place for everyone.
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