From the course: Daily Habits to Live Sustainably

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Switch to clean energy

Switch to clean energy

- Our lives are dependent on electricity. Today, one quarter of global greenhouse gases come from producing electricity. We have an incredible opportunity to move away from using fossil fuels to produce electricity as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible. I've always wanted to go on a dinosaur dig to look for fossils. So when I first heard the phrase fossil fuels, I assumed that it had something to do with dinosaurs. Well, it turns out that the fossil fuel material we use today comes from algae, bacteria, and plants, some of which date back to even before the Devonian Period, which was over 350 million years ago. Dinosaurs didn't come on the scene for another 100 million years. So when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, we are turning the locked-up energy of long-buried, carbon-rich plants, not dinosaurs, into electricity with carbon dioxide spilling into the atmosphere as an invisible byproduct. That gas…
