From the course: Dealing with Microaggression as an Employee

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Consider what to do if you witness microaggressions against others

Consider what to do if you witness microaggressions against others

From the course: Dealing with Microaggression as an Employee

Consider what to do if you witness microaggressions against others

- If you think responding to a microaggression is tricky for the person who has been offended, it can be even trickier for the observer. You can play an important role as an ally and supporter. You have the choice to stand up and not condone the behavior by being a passive bystander, but the timing of your response is important. If you're too quick to act or too direct in your response, you may be perceived as taking over the situation, yet, another type of microaggression. So if you're an observer, not the object of the microaggression, take your cues from the person you want to help. It can be offensive to speak for them if they prefer to speak for themselves. It might also put them at physical risk or risk of damaging a critical work relationship for them if you speak up when they have chosen to let the incident slide. On the other hand, saying nothing can give the impression that you support the offending behavior.…
