From the course: Delegating from a Distance

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Learn the steps for effective delegation

Learn the steps for effective delegation

From the course: Delegating from a Distance

Learn the steps for effective delegation

- Let's assume you have a list that captures your tasks and your projects. You've analyzed it enough to know which things you might delegate and which you definitely won't hand off. That's a great start. Now, let's talk about the steps to delegate. When you're delegating virtually, it's helpful to be very methodical about the process of delegating and make sure you're communicating clearly. The truth is that it's easy to misunderstand each other in email, instant message, and even in video and phone calls. So don't skip steps and make sure you allocate some extra time to communication. The first step is to clearly identify what you're delegating. Then ask yourself, what does done look like? If you can answer that, you'll be able to explain it to your employee. Next, think about the person you're delegating to. Does it fit into their career development goals? Is this something they're going to enjoy or find…
