From the course: Delegating from a Distance

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Set communication and tracking guidelines for virtual delegation

Set communication and tracking guidelines for virtual delegation

From the course: Delegating from a Distance

Set communication and tracking guidelines for virtual delegation

- I conducted 360 interviews to get feedback for Frank, one of the leaders I coach. I asked his employee Millie about Frank's development opportunity and she told me a little story. Frank asked her to create a strategy for the launch. She wrote up a document that very night and she emailed it to him and some other folks working on that project. She didn't hear back from him for a couple of days, and then she found out that he texted someone else to ask for an update. Millie told me she was left wondering, wondering if she was having an issue with him. Wondering if she's using the wrong channels to communicate with him. Wondering if he didn't have confidence in her. I can't really read him, she told me, because there's no real opportunity to check-in informally since we're all remote. So do you really think it's overkill to set a standard communication protocol? I don't, and neither does Millie. It may sound…
