From the course: Delegating from a Distance

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Use virtual delegation to actively build the skills of others

Use virtual delegation to actively build the skills of others

From the course: Delegating from a Distance

Use virtual delegation to actively build the skills of others

- We've reviewed a bunch of practices that will help you delegate virtually. Now I want to to shift gears into how you can use delegation to help coach your employees to build their careers. The best way to set yourself up to coach is to use a largely overlooked, but very useful tool, debriefing. It's simple, after you delegate a big project or delegate a number of small projects, schedule a meeting with your employee to debrief. Ask your employee to think about what went well and what didn't go so well in the project. This is always a good practice because it sets up the practice of continuous improvement. Second, what skills did they sharpen and what skills did they use for the first time? For example, they might have sharpened up their already strong PowerPoint skills. And this might've been the first time they presented in a cross-functional meeting. Third, what skills and experiences would they like to continue to…
