From the course: Demystifying Audio Synthesis: The Basics

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Building complex tones with additive synthesis

Building complex tones with additive synthesis - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Demystifying Audio Synthesis: The Basics

Building complex tones with additive synthesis

- [Instructor] Now that we've seen that we can use additive synthesis to add simple sine waves together to make more complex tones, it's time to put this idea into action. In this movie we'll see how we can use a simple sine wave oscillator and follow some additive synth recipes to make more complex and interesting tones. Now, a sine wave is a pretty vanilla sound. It makes a tone at one and only one frequency. It's a really powerful building block, but on its own, it doesn't sound that cool. That's because it doesn't contain any harmonics above its fundamental frequency. But there are some other sounds which are made from specific combinations of more than one sine wave that are heavily used in a lot of synthesis. These are called square waves, triangle waves, and sawtooth waves on a lot of our favorite synths. And because of their DNA makeup, they all contain different combinations of rich harmonics that give them…
