From the course: Designing a Poster

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Blacking out the newspaper text

Blacking out the newspaper text

From the course: Designing a Poster

Blacking out the newspaper text

- Okay, in part three of our newspaper blackout theater poster, having sized the newsprint to our poster size and having placed our type, we're now ready to black out all of those pieces of text that we don't want to see. Just a bit of housekeeping first of all, I have all of these type layers, I'm going to select them all and then press command control g to put them in a group. Now I want to add the blackout on a separate layer, I'm going to add a new layer above the background layer and then press "b" to choose my brush tool. And I'm going to come and from my calligraphic brushes if you don't already have these loaded, I'm going to use the last calligraphic brush, which is called Flat Angle Short Medium Stiff. And I want this to look pretty random and a bit messy. I definitely want to leave some of the descenders and ascenders of the type behind still showing. I'm using a tablet stylus for this, but it's pretty easy to do with just a mouse if you don't have one. Now all of the type…
