From the course: Designing a Poster

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Preparing for print

Preparing for print

- [Voiceover] Okay, finishing off our two-letter scrabble word poster I'm going to come to the work in progress where we need to add the title. And I'm going to add it at the bottom. And I guess a point to make here is that your titles - they don't always have to be at the top. I think in this case it just works better at the bottom. So I'm going to choose my "Type" tool click and drag to make a text frame along the bottom of the page, type in my text... It's so small I can't see it. Command-A to select it all - let's increase its size. Command-shift more than. I'm going to change the font to Helvetica bold or use whatever you were using for the tiles themselves. And then fix any problems with the text. Let's make that right aligned - command-shift-R. I'd like it to move to the bottom of the text frame, so I'm going to press command or control-B to bring up my text frame options. And align to the bottom. I'm going to now fit my frame to my content leaving the type where it is. I'll…
