From the course: Designing a Poster

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Setting up the document in Illustrator

Setting up the document in Illustrator

From the course: Designing a Poster

Setting up the document in Illustrator

- [Instructor] This project is about creating a poster to promote a bike to work campaign. I'll have several versions of this, this is my first offering and it's going to be a simple typographic approach using bold sans serif type and combining the type with this graphic of the bicycle tread. I'm going to use Illustrator for this because of its typographic controls and we'll see how we can convert the bicycle tread into a pattern and work with that. So, I will begin as I have with the other projects by setting up my document. So I'll come to Illustrator where from the File menu I'll choose New and as I have with the other projects, I will use an A3 page size. You may prefer to use Tabloid. I will have a bleed of three millimeters, if you're working in inches, this is one eighth or point one two five of an inch. I'll create a grid of guides on my Artboard to help me with the placement of elements. Starting with my Rectangle Tool, I'll just click onto the Artboard and I'm going to…
