From the course: Designing a Poster
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Using InDesign to add the frame and preparing for print
From the course: Designing a Poster
Using InDesign to add the frame and preparing for print
- [Instructor] Alright, continuing with the second part of this poster for our graphic design lecture and I've made my text message which is going to serve as the poster. I've made some modifications to it. I now want to place it in InDesign combining it with the shell of this phone. So, I'm going to switch to InDesign and create a new document. I am going to create an A3 document. You may want to work with a tabloid size if you are working in the US. And I have three pica or half inch or 12.7 millimeter margins. No bleed necessary as I'm not printing to the edge of the page. I'm then going to choose file and place and I'm going to use this stock image of a phone shell. I'm going to drag that from the top down to the bottom. This is a vector image so it's resolution independent. I can size it however I want. I do want to make sure that it is centered on my page. I'll come to object and layout, align, and I'm aligning to the page. I'll center it horizontally and vertically. It looks a…
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