From the course: Developing a Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Program
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Developing a communication plan
From the course: Developing a Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Program
Developing a communication plan
- Imagine your boss emailed you and said starting next week, we're going to close shop on Friday and we're all going to go to work on Saturday. You'd probably be shocked and mad, you might even quit. From my research, that's the approach that many organizations take to sharing information about their Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging programs. Like guess what, we're going to use blind selection or you need to have a diverse slate of candidates with at least two women or people of color in every pool. Now these are two of my favorite HR practices, but you cannot just blast that out in an email. And even worse, many organizations don't tell their employees anything. In one organization I worked with, the employees felt so in the dark, that multiple people asked me, "What are the diversity targets?" Now setting goals is great, but this organization hadn't done that. But they were so opaque with their employees about what…