From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

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How people value time

How people value time

- You've been invited to a dinner party that starts at 6:00 PM. What time do you arrive? Exactly at six? Earlier so you can help out the host? Or a few minutes after six so you don't stress the host out? Or much, much later because you don't want to be the first to show up? Now, what if the invitation was for a meeting or a training? Surely you would've thought very differently about which option is appropriate. We all have our individual tendencies when it comes to dealing with time in our day-to-day lives. But when it comes to doing business and functioning across different cultures, it's important that you understand and flex around what anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher Edward T. Hall first noted in his classic 1959 book, "The Silent Language." In this video, we're going to talk about monochronic and polychronic cultures and how behavior differs. In monochronic cultures, clocks are visible everywhere. Public transportation runs on tight schedules and services are valued…
