From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

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Professionals in Nigeria and India breaking the ice

Professionals in Nigeria and India breaking the ice

From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

Professionals in Nigeria and India breaking the ice

- India and Nigeria have held deep-rooted bilateral relations for many decades. As a result, potential business between an Indian IT company and a Nigerian client makes for the perfect scenario. Company representatives met at a trade show, and for the first time, the Indian IT company has invited the Nigerian representatives for a series of meetings and a tour of their facilities. So we will look at the scenario from the side of the host, the Indian team. As the two teams get ready to meet for the first time and break the ice, let's take a closer look at two specific dimensions. First, time orientation. Both cultures score higher on the polychronic time orientation, meaning that they value flexibility, relationships, and time to build them. On the dimension of self versus group orientation, both cultures are collectivist, meaning both teams will have members who show strong loyalty to one another and value the relationships they built. As the Indian team considers their hosting…
