From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

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Relationships versus rules

Relationships versus rules

- Can you describe how decisions are typically made in your organization? Are rules and procedures strictly followed, or are there instances where they are flexible and can be adapted depending on the circumstance? That's it, a set of questions that would save you so much time and energy if you could figure out the landscape of a new company or a new culture. Cultures prioritize their decision making either around relationships or around rules. To be more theoretical, let me explain the concept that the Dutch organizational theorist and management consultant Fons Trompenaars calls universalism and particularism. A particularist culture puts emphasis on relationships, connections, and trust. In this culture, there's more room for negotiation and more options for making changes and setting new standards based on the circumstance. Criticism is generally not expressed openly in order to prevent harming the relationship. These behaviors may be prevalent in countries like Nigeria, Saudi…
