From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

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Status versus equality

Status versus equality

- If I could use one story to illustrate the concept of power distance, it would be this. Two top generals representing two world superpowers are in the process of authorizing a joint arms treaty. The crucial document is ready for signing. One general invites a more involved, but lower ranking top official to sign it. On the other side of the treaty, the document remains unsigned for months. Where did the initiating general go wrong? Power distance is the communication distance between the most powerful and the least powerful person in a group. Cultures in countries such as Switzerland, Germany, United States, Canada, and New Zealand tend to be equal in structure and have lower power distance. Cultures in countries such as Saudi Arabia, India, South Korea, and Brazil are more hierarchical in structure and are considered to have high power distance. Power distance and how people perceive it in a society determines the way they communicate and handle day-to-day transactions. The concept…
