From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

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The cultural intelligence formula

The cultural intelligence formula

- "You'll do great working with a Brazilian team." Those were your bosses last words as she sent you off on your first multinational team assignment. But you've never been to the country, let alone worked across different time zones. Can you do it? Do you have the cross-cultural skills or the business skills? Do you know what questions to ask? If you've been watching this course, the answer is yes. When you are working across cultures, the secret to your success is asking the right questions. You can use what I call the cross-cultural intelligence formula where you go through a set of questions in each stage of your interaction. Here's how it flows. Assess the situation, make a list of questions as you approach a new situation or a culture, based on what information you have strategize your approach based on your strengths while finding help to make up for your weaknesses. And after you make both of these assessments, take your action. Finally, it's time to evaluate your outcomes. Get…
