From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

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US expat in a performance evaluation in France

US expat in a performance evaluation in France

From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

US expat in a performance evaluation in France

- Judy is a mid-level director for a multinational company who just got transferred to France for a two-year stay. Judy has had some experience with an expat assignment. She was assigned a Southeast Asia rotation when she first took her director role. Meanwhile, Caroline, one of Judy's direct reports has been with the company for the past five years and is on an upward trajectory. Judy is getting ready to meet Caroline for her annual performance review. From her previous expat assignments, Judy knows that cultural understanding is key for creating smooth workplace relationships and overall performance success. That's why she uses the cultural intelligence formula and starts by assessing the situation. In this new assignment, she needs to consider the following questions. Are there any American managers in her company who have been successful operating in France? If she can make some connections, she can gather valuable information. Do French professionals prioritize decision making…
