From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

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Virtual negotiations between China and the Netherlands

Virtual negotiations between China and the Netherlands

From the course: Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence

Virtual negotiations between China and the Netherlands

- The two teams have just met and are negotiating deals. What makes this scenario complicated is that all of the meetings are virtual. Also, one of the teams is in Shanghai and the other one in Amsterdam. The Chinese team represents the supplier and wants to win a bid with the Dutch team, who's the buyer. What we know about the two cultures is that they could not be more diverse, particularly in the way power is perceived and how different their communication styles are. For example, Chinese culture is at a higher power distance, very hierarchical, formal, and traditional. Dutch culture is lower on the power distance scale, and people are less formal and more egalitarian. Now, when it comes to communication style, the Chinese may come across to the Dutch as distant and much more formal in their interactions. In this scenario, we will follow June, a rep on the Chinese team. Now it's time for June to put the cultural intelligence formula to the test. Take a moment and start assessing…
