From the course: Developing Self-Awareness
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Reflecting and enhancing self-awareness
From the course: Developing Self-Awareness
Reflecting and enhancing self-awareness
- Reflection is an important step in building self-awareness. This is the most simple self-awareness strategy you can use, and you don't need to rely on anyone else to practice reflection. It's something you can do alone at any time. What is it I actually mean by reflection? It's taking the time and space to consider where you are, events that have happened around you, and your feelings and thoughts. Whether you're feeling very positive or experiencing negative emotions, either way, reflection will help you to understand where you are right now and your role in the situation and what you can do to move forward. You may want to print the reflection tool from the exercise files, or jot down some notes. Some people find it helpful to have a notepad dedicated to this exercise so you can reflect on what you've written over time. If you look at the reflection tool document, you'll see a blank wheel. For every section, write…
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