From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Goals and objectives to reduce your digital carbon footprint

From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Goals and objectives to reduce your digital carbon footprint

- During the previous videos, I shared with you how to identify and measure the use of digital devices, the amount of digital content you create and consume and the carbon footprint you generate. Now is the time for you to set your own goals in order to help protect the environment. Considering the activities you could reduce, eliminate and incorporate to your daily routines will help you to establish realistic goals. Examples of goals you could set are to reduce your use of digital devices by say 10% or limit your use to maybe two hours per day. Use social media for networking for no more than a certain number of hours per day. Have a fewer than X amount of gigabytes of data on instant messaging applications. Reduce the amount of files stored in the cloud to the minimum possible. To set goals, you can review the videos in this course for ideas on what goals you can set for each of the digital activities that negatively impact the environment. Personally, one of the objectives that I set myself several years ago is to reduce the number of conversational files that I have on WhatsApp to the minimum possible. This is a goal that I set for myself on a weekly and monthly basis and that I have managed to maintain during the last years. In the next videos, I will tell you how.
